Community Involvement

"Giving back to our community is a huge part of our mission at Monahan Dentistry and Implant Center. Our goal is not only to provide the best in care for our patients, but also to make our community a happier, healthier place!" - Dr. Shawn Monahan

Mission Mercy

Each year, the Mission of Mercy comes to the Colosseum at the Arizona State Fairgrounds serving hundreds of individuals who could not otherwise afford dental care. This year, Dr. Monahan got to serve in the Denture Department and deliver brand new smiles to several patients!


Mission mercy before


Mission mercy after

Mem's Journey

Giving back to our community is a central part of our Mission at Monahan Dentistry and Implant Center. We were honored to give the gift of a brand new smile to a local Mesa resident. She was so surprised when we told her we were going to give her a brand new smile!

Local Retirement Community

Dr. Monahan has been featured at local communities such as Las Palmas, Copper Springs, and Sunland Village.  Education and a higher level of care is extremely important as our bodies mature. The saying "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" rings true, especially with our retired patients.

Retirement 1

Retirement 2

Mesa Community College Red Mountain Food Drive

Our team had a blast this Spring 2024 as we volunteered at the local food drive! This was such an awesome event to take part in!

Of One Heart

Last Christmas, Dr. Monahan and the local church youth group got to give a warm welcome to refugees from all over the world. Of One Heart is a local organization that provides mentorship, job training, and housing resources to refugees.  Dr. Monahan said, "It was amazing to see these families from all over the world come together and share food, traditions, and take part in some of our American Christmas traditions.  One of my favorite parts was getting to see how happy the kids were when our youth group handed out the stockings and gifts!"

Refugee event

Refugee event 2

Highland High School

Being an alumnus of Highland High School, Dr. Monahan was happy to volunteer at the quarterly free lunch. Dr. Monahan said, "Being with all those high school kids brought me back in time! In high school, you are full of energy, you are figuring life out, you are seeking acceptance... everybody needs to know that they have a friend."


Feed My Starving Children

The Monahan Dentistry team loves volunteering at Feed My Starving Children in Mesa. FMSC is a great organization because they make volunteering easy and fun and they are doing an amazing work to bring food and nourishment to the children and families of the world.