Dental Cleanings In Mesa, AZ

What are the different types of dental cleanings?

We offer several types of dental cleanings. The most common is called a prophy, a regular cleaning suitable for children, teenagers, and adults. Individuals qualifying for a prophy may have plaque and tartar buildup but minimal bone loss. This means there is no active infection, the gums aren't swollen, and there is minimal tartar. For children, this typically involves polishing and flossing, though occasionally, scaling with hand instruments may be necessary.

Another type of cleaning we offer is sometimes referred to as a difficult prophy, but we call it scaling with the presence of inflammation. This is for patients without significant bone loss but with more buildup due to being overdue for their cleaning. These patients have more tartar and plaque, and the gum tissue is swollen, resulting in more bleeding during the cleaning.

The next level of cleaning is known as a scale and root planing, commonly referred to as deep cleaning. This is necessary for patients with active infection and inflammation, where bacteria have reached under the root surface, causing bone loss around the tooth. For this procedure, we numb the patient to ensure comfort while removing the hard deposits on the root surface. Post-cleaning maintenance is crucial, typically requiring follow-up cleanings every three to four months.

What is the importance of dental cleaning?

Dental cleanings are essential because they allow us to reach areas that are difficult to clean on your own. By removing deposits in these areas, we help maintain the overall health of your mouth.

How often should I have a dental cleaning?

For periodontal maintenance after a deep cleaning, we recommend cleanings every three to four months. Following a cleaning with the presence of inflammation, we usually schedule cleanings every four to six months. Ideally, we aim to educate patients on proper gum care to maintain a six-month cleaning interval. For regular cleanings, a six-month schedule is generally healthy.

Is the dental cleaning painful?

Dental cleanings can be uncomfortable for some people, especially those with sensitive teeth. We recommend using a sensitive toothpaste two weeks prior to the appointment to help alleviate discomfort. For patients with gum inflammation, we use a topical anesthetic to minimize pain during the cleaning process.

How long should a typical dental cleaning take?

A typical prophy, or regular cleaning, takes about 30 minutes, with an hour-long appointment including x-rays, gum tissue measurements, and an examination by the doctor. Deep cleanings take longer, usually split into two appointments, with each side taking about an hour and a half.

What happens during a dental cleaning?

During a dental cleaning, we begin by taking x-rays if needed. We then conduct an oral cancer screening and examine the soft tissues in your mouth. The cleaning is performed using hand instruments or an ultrasonic scaler, depending on the type and amount of buildup. Occasionally, polishing is done first if necessary.

Are dental hygienists able to remove all the tartar during a dental cleaning?

While we strive to remove all tartar deposits during each appointment, it is possible to miss some areas. If any deposits are missed, we ensure to address them in the following appointment.

Can dental cleanings damage the teeth?

No, dental cleanings cannot damage the teeth. The enamel is very strong, and despite the sound of scraping, the cleaning process does not harm the enamel.

How do I treat sensitive teeth after a dental cleaning?

For treating sensitive teeth after a dental cleaning, we recommend using a sensitive toothpaste like Sensodyne. For persistent sensitivity, an extra fluoridated toothpaste can be prescribed. Brushing with the toothpaste before bed without rinsing can help to calm the nerves and reduce sensitivity.

How can I schedule a dental cleaning?

To schedule a dental cleaning, you can visit our office in person, contact us through our website, or give us a call.