What is family dentistry?
In short, family dentistry allows you to take your entire family to one dental office, serving as a one-stop shop.
What are some of the benefits of going to a family dentist?
Besides the convenience factor, one of the most important aspects I believe in is prevention. Seeing a mom, dad, and all their children is like having a crystal ball into the children's future dental health. Understanding the parents' teeth and risk factors allows us to prevent many dental problems for the children. It's a form of predictive and preventive medicine rather than addressing issues blindly as they arise.
What are other benefits of family dentistry?
Another benefit is that parents, especially moms, can model proper behavior at the dentist for their children from a young age. I've had moms bring toddlers as young as one and a half years old, who watch their mom get their teeth cleaned. This helps children learn dental routines and become excellent dental patients.
How does family dentistry help reduce fear of the dentist?
Fear often stems from the unknown. By seeing a parent undergo dental care, children learn the routine, reducing fear and making dental visits more comfortable.
Do all dentists offer family dentistry?
No, not all dentists offer family dentistry. Some dentists don't treat kids, and some pediatric dentists don't treat adults. At Monahan Dentistry and Implant Center, we love being a one-stop shop for the entire family and focus on early intervention and wellness programs.
What dental treatments fall under family dentistry?
Family dentistry includes preventive services like teeth cleanings, x-rays, and exams. We also monitor children's growth and development, particularly for orthodontic reasons, to ensure proper growth of teeth, jaws, and face.
What is a unique aspect of family dentistry?
Family dentistry offers seamless coordination of care, ensuring that dental care is well-coordinated for kids, moms, and dads. Appointments are easily set, and you know exactly where to go every time.
How can you find a good family dentist in Mesa, Arizona?
Congratulations, you've found it! Call Monahan Dentistry and Implant Center at (623) 294-1333. If you're not in Mesa or the surrounding areas, ask a mom for recommendations, as they're often aware of the best family dental care. You can also ask friends or family and read reviews on practices of interest. It's important to confirm if a practice offers family dentistry, as some may have specific specialties or not see children.